EAIE 2022 in Barcelona on 15 September
Jan Lauwereyns will be joining Ignite Session 09.05 from 09:30:
COURT: Collaborative Online Undergraduate Research Teams
The concept of COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) emerged 15 years ago as a major approach to internationalization of education, facilitating inbound and outbound international exchange - cheaper, safer, and more inclusive. With the pandemic, it became obvious that this approach is a must for any institution that aims to provide world-class education. The biggest challenge with COIL is to create highly engaging sessions with diverse groups of students in charge of their own learning - hands on, minds on, applying aspects of the flipped classroom in COIL. To this end, we must train students as researchers: for example, with Collaborative Online Undergraduate Research Teams (COURT). The "I" of International is dropped, given that the pandemic has made it abundantly clear that collaborative online work is crucial, not only in an international sense. Instead, the emphasis is on the collaborative nature of online undergraduate research teams. In COURT, small teams of students from different institutions work together on research projects for one or more semesters - in the first semester, the undergraduate teams develop a research proposal for competitive funding. Teachers provide "master classes" on how to design research proposals, how to manage research projects, and how to maximize the potential in the combined talents and skills of the team members. Selected teams are awarded grants and given expert guidance to carry out their planned research.